Real Carbon Credits VS Allowances
The Real Carbon Credits that ECCI® provides avoid the economic and environmental problems associated with the currently used allowance system.
A popular way to try to control carbon emissions today is by the use of allowances. Allowances “allow” an emitter to release a certain amount of CO2 into the air for a fee. Through this process, fees are collected from those producing CO2. However, no carbon is actually removed from the air. In fact, carbon continues to be emitted into the atmosphere, even though it now has a cost. Carbon levels continue to increase and companies have essentially paid a creative carbon tax.
Creation of Real Carbon Credits
Plants use the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to grow and develop. In fact, about 40% of a plant’s dry mass is carbon. Plants extract the CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis, and use it to grow leaves, stems, and roots. Growing plants creates real carbon credits that, unlike allowances, can be measured, seen, and touched.
Real carbon credits from managed, growing plants can be bought, sold, banked, and traded. First, ECCI® establishes a carbon baseline on crop and ranch land. Then, perennial plants are grown and monitored using ecological management practices to yield verifiable carbon credits. ECCI®’s patented, accurate, and transparent process measures the captured and stored carbon in plants.
Real Carbon Credit Impact
Unlike allowances that just charge a fee for continuing to emit carbon into the atmosphere, ECCI® real carbon credits meaningfully reduce CO2 in the air. Each carbon credit represents one ton, or 2000 pounds of CO2 removed from the atmosphere!
For more information about allowances and carbon credits, watch our video.